
Beginner's Guide to TikTok Ads for Food and Beverage Brands

If you're eager to level up your brand's visibility and engagement, you're in the right place. In this guide, we'll explore the exciting world of TikTok advertising, a platform buzzing with hundreds of thousands of sellers and opportunities for brands to shine.

TikTok isn't just another social media platform; it's a dynamic space where short-form videos meet an online marketplace which captivate audiences worldwide. Brands are harnessing its power to reach new customers and create compelling ad campaigns that stand out amidst the scroll.

Whether you're a small business owner, a marketing enthusiast, or someone exploring advertising options, understanding TikTok ads can be a game-changer. Here, we'll walk you through everything you need to know, from the basics to advanced strategies, in simple, easy-to-follow steps.

If you've been curious about TikTok's viral trends or wondered how your brand can join the conversation, get ready to dive into a world of engaging content creation and targeted advertising. 

Understanding TikTok Ads

Background of TikTok Ads

TikTok, the wildly popular video-sharing platform, isn't just for dancing and lip-syncing anymore. It's evolved into a powerhouse for advertising, allowing businesses of all sizes to showcase their products or services in engaging ways.

As the platform grew in popularity, so did its advertising capabilities. TikTok Ads offer a way for brands to connect with a vast and diverse audience through captivating short-form videos.

Who Is It For?

Target Audience Demographics and Industries

TikTok's user base spans across various age groups, with a primary audience of younger users aged between 18 to 34 years old. However, the platform's appeal extends beyond this demographic, making it suitable for brands targeting a wide range of age groups and interests. There has increasingly been a rise in older audiences using the platform as well.

Industries related to fashion, beauty, food & beverage, entertainment, and e-commerce have found tremendous success on TikTok. However, the platform's versatility means almost any business can find its place with the right approach and with engaging content.

Why TikTok Ads > Other Platforms

Comparing Advantages Over Other Social Media Advertising Platforms

TikTok stands out among other social media platforms due to its unique features and highly engaged user base. Unlike traditional social media, TikTok's algorithm prioritizes content discovery, enabling brands to reach an extensive audience even without a substantial follower base.

Compared to platforms like Facebook or Instagram, TikTok offers a more organic reach, making it easier for ads to go viral and gain traction rapidly. Its emphasis on short, visually appealing content sets it apart, attracting users looking for entertaining, shareable content.

With less competition on the platform ads are still relatively cheap compared to bigger platforms such as Meta. This is another reason to jump onto the platform early rather than later so that you can still get access to cheaper CPMs.

TikTok Platform Overview

Types of TikTok Ads

TikTok Ads come in various formats, each designed to suit different marketing objectives:

In-Feed Video: These ads appear seamlessly in users' feeds, just like regular TikTok content.

Brand Takeover: A full-screen ad that dominates the screen for a few seconds upon opening the app.

Video Ads: Full-screen videos ranging from 5 to 60 seconds in users' "For You" feed.

Branded AR Content: Ads presented as branded stickers, lenses, and other AR content for user integration.

Hashtag Challenges: Ads that encourage user participation in the "Discovery" section.

Image Ads: Placing static image ads within TikTok's news feed apps.

Carousel Ads: Including up to 10 images in TikTok's news feed app.

Sponsored Influencer Content: Messages conveyed through influential TikTok users.

Spark Ads: Sponsored content that collaborates with popular organic content creators.

Best Practices for TikTok Ads

Promoted Posts vs. Ad Campaigns

Understanding the distinction between promoted posts and ad campaigns on TikTok is crucial for effective advertising strategies. Promoted posts involve boosting existing content, while ad campaigns are structured, targeted marketing efforts created through TikTok's Ads Manager. Both serve different purposes and can be utilized depending on your brand's goals.

Best Formatting Settings

Getting the formatting right is key to maximizing the impact of your TikTok Ads. Ensure your videos adhere to the platform's preferred aspect ratios of 9:16, 1:1, or 16:9, with vertical videos being the most popular. The recommended video resolution is ≥ 540 x 960 px, ≥ 640 x 640 px, or ≥ 960 x 540 px. Accepted file types include .mp4, .mov, .mpeg, .3gp, or .avi, with video lengths ideally between nine to 15 seconds for optimal engagement.

Delivery Importance

Contrary to other platforms, TikTok's algorithm isn't solely reliant on follower count. Focus on authenticity and creativity in your ads as TikTok values engaging content that resonates with users. Additionally, timing plays a crucial role; posting during peak hours or when your target audience is most active can significantly boost visibility and engagement.

Interactive Features

Utilizing interactive elements like gesture add-ons can enhance user engagement with your ads. These features enable viewers to interact with your content, fostering a more immersive and memorable experience, ultimately driving higher interaction rates.

Creative Fatigue and Optimizing for the First 3 Seconds

To combat creative fatigue, continuously refresh your content strategy. TikTok users have short attention spans, so optimizing the first three seconds of your ad is vital. Capture attention quickly by showcasing your brand or message upfront to hook viewers from the start.

Utilizing TikTok Shop

TikTok Shop provides an excellent opportunity for brands to showcase and sell products directly within the app. Leveraging this feature can streamline the purchasing process for users, making it convenient to convert interest into sales.

Launching Your First Ads Campaign

Framework Overview

Embarking on your first TikTok Ads campaign requires a structured approach. Understanding the fundamental framework is crucial to setting up a successful campaign that aligns with your brand's objectives.

Steps to Launch

1. Creating a Business Account

Begin by creating a dedicated TikTok Business Account. This provides access to TikTok's Ads Manager and various tools specifically designed for advertisers.

2. Integration and Use of Ads Manager

Integrate your Business Account with TikTok's Ads Manager, the centralized hub for managing ad campaigns. Here, you can create, monitor, and optimize your ads to achieve your marketing goals.

3. Setting Ad Goals, Ad Groups, and Ad Creatives

Utilize the Ads Manager to define clear objectives for your ads. Set specific goals, create targeted ad groups, and craft compelling ad creatives. Pay attention to audio elements, video structure, and a strong call-to-action (CTA) to maximize engagement.

4. Budgeting and Scheduling

Consider your budget and scheduling preferences when planning your ads. Use Shopify screenshots or other relevant tools to illustrate budget allocation and scheduling strategies. Effective budgeting ensures your ads reach the right audience at the right time, optimizing their impact.

5. Pixel Setup

Implementing TikTok's pixel setup correctly can significantly impact your ad performance by having an accurate view of your analytics leading to overall campaign success.

Bidding Methods and Strategies

TikTok Bidding Methods

TikTok offers various bidding methods including CPV (cost per view), CPM (cost per thousand impressions), oCPM (optimized cost per thousand impressions), and CPC (cost per click). Each method serves different campaign goals, whether it's maximizing views, reaching broader audiences, or driving specific actions.

Suggested Bid Feature

Utilize TikTok's suggested bid feature that assists in determining the optimal bid price. This helps in understanding the competitive landscape and setting bids that align with your budget and goals.

TikTok Bidding Strategies

Consider different bidding strategies such as Lowest Cost and Cost Cap or Bid Cap. Each strategy has its advantages; while Lowest Cost allows TikTok to automatically maximize conversions within your set budget, Cost Cap or Bid Cap provides better control over cost per acquisition (CPA).

Tips for Effective Bidding

Bidding too high or too low can impact the delivery and effectiveness of your ads. To strategize your bidding effectively, consider the following best practices:

Selecting Cost Cap: If controlling your daily cost per results is a priority, choosing Cost Cap as your bid strategy is recommended. It helps in managing your costs while achieving desired outcomes.

Auction with Brand Objectives: For advertisers using auction with brand objectives like reach and video views, utilizing Cost Cap with the suggested bid can be beneficial in optimizing your ad delivery.

Conversion Campaigns: If running a Conversion campaign with Conversion as the optimization goal, consider using Lowest Cost as your bid strategy to maximize your daily budget utilization.

App Install Campaigns: For App Install campaigns focused on user actions within your app, App Event Optimization (AEO) coupled with a bid set as your target CPA is suggested for optimal results.

Tips for Optimization

Optimizing your bidding strategy involves continuous monitoring and adjustments. Some tips to optimize your bids and budget allocation include:

Delivery Type: Choosing Accelerated as the delivery type doesn't increase your budget consumption but speeds up the spending process. Focus on other metrics for budget optimization.

Budget Adjustment: If you notice that your daily cost per acquisition (CPA) is consistently below your bid, consider increasing your budget. This helps scale up successful strategies that acquire users at a lower cost than expected.

Ad Types and Performance

Selecting the right ad types is crucial for crafting a successful TikTok Ads campaign. Understanding each format's purpose and leveraging them effectively can significantly impact overall campaign performance and contribute to a robust advertising strategy.

In-Feed Video

Purpose: Seamless integration into users' feeds for maximum visibility. These ads mimic regular TikTok content, ensuring a native experience for users.

Effective Use: Ideal for promoting products or services in a way that feels natural and engaging within the user's browsing experience.

Brand Takeover

Purpose: Instantly captures attention by dominating the screen on app opening, maximizing brand exposure.

Effective Use: Best suited for launching new products, promoting special offers, or creating brand awareness with immediate impact.

Video Ads

Purpose: Full-screen videos ranging from 5 to 60 seconds, delivering immersive content to users' "For You" feed.

Effective Use: Suitable for storytelling, product demonstrations, or delivering a comprehensive message within a short span.

Branded AR Content

Purpose: Engages users through augmented reality elements, including branded stickers, lenses, and interactive AR content.

Effective Use: Encourages interaction and user-generated content while fostering brand engagement and virality.

Hashtag Challenges

Purpose: Initiates user participation in challenges, fostering community engagement and user-generated content.

Effective Use: Drives user interaction, amplifies brand reach, and encourages content creation around a specific theme or challenge.

Image Ads

Purpose: Placing static image ads within TikTok's news feed apps for straightforward messaging.

Effective Use: Conveys simple messages, highlights product features, or promotes offers in a visually appealing format.

Carousel Ads

Purpose: Showcases a series of images (up to 10) to convey a more extensive narrative or range of products/services.

Effective Use: Allows for creative storytelling or showcasing multiple product variations within a single ad unit.

Sponsored Influencer Content

Purpose: Leveraging influential TikTok users to convey brand messages authentically to their followers.

Effective Use: Builds credibility, extends brand reach, and fosters trust through influencer endorsements and authentic storytelling.

Spark Ads

Purpose: Collaborates with popular organic content creators, blending sponsored content seamlessly with organic content.

Effective Use: Boosts authenticity, leverages influencers' existing fan base, and aligns the brand with trending content.

Understanding the unique strengths of each ad type and strategically integrating them into your campaign can yield diverse engagement opportunities, enhance brand visibility, and drive conversions. A well-rounded ads strategy often incorporates a mix of these formats to maximize impact and cater to various audience preferences.

Creating Ads

Ad creatives serve as the cornerstone of any successful TikTok Ads campaign. Crafting compelling and visually captivating content is pivotal in grabbing users' attention, driving engagement, and achieving campaign objectives. The ad creation process within TikTok's platform involves several essential steps:

Understanding the Importance of Ad Creatives

Foundations of Success: Ad creatives are the building blocks that determine the success of your campaign. Compelling visuals, captivating storytelling, and engaging elements are essential to hook users and convey your brand message effectively.

Capturing Attention: In a crowded digital landscape, attention spans are limited. Creatives must be attention-grabbing within the first few seconds to entice users to continue viewing.

Driving Engagement: Engaging ad content encourages interaction, be it through likes, shares, comments, or user-generated content, fostering a sense of community and brand involvement.

Visual Storytelling: Crafting a narrative through visuals that align with your brand's messaging, products, or services to connect emotionally with viewers.

Call-to-Action (CTA): Incorporating clear and compelling CTAs to guide users on the desired action, whether it's visiting a website, making a purchase, or participating in a challenge.

Consistency and Branding: Maintaining consistency in visual elements, branding, and messaging across ads helps in reinforcing brand identity and recall.

Crafted's Services for Food & Beverage Brands

For brands specifically in the food and beverage industry, Crafted provides specialized services providing professional-level video ads and harnessing the power of user-generated content to create impactful, engaging, and authentic ads tailored for the TikTok platform.

Professional-Level Video Ads: Our advantage is having access to thousands of vetted and qualified creators in the food niche with experience in producing visually appealing and engaging video content that showcases your brand's uniqueness and in a way that resonates with your target audience.

User-Generated Content (UGC) Ads: Leveraging the power of user-generated content, Crafted creators make UGC ads that feel authentic and relatable. We harness this content to amplify brand stories and create connections with consumers, driving higher engagement and trust.

Food and Beverage Ads Examples 

Immi Ramen 

Chamberlain Coffee

Ad Performance and Strategy

Analyzing Ad Performance

After launching your TikTok Ads campaign, analyzing performance metrics is crucial for evaluating its success. Utilize TikTok's analytics tools to track key performance indicators (KPIs) such as views, engagement rates, click-through rates (CTR), and conversions. Images or graphical representations of analytics dashboards can visually demonstrate how to interpret these metrics.

Ads Strategy and Best Uses

Refine your ad strategy based on the insights gained from performance analysis. Highlight best practices and optimal uses for different ad formats, targeting methods, and content strategies. Offering practical advice backed by examples or case studies can assist users in refining their strategies effectively.

Whitelisting Partnerships

Consider exploring whitelisting partnerships on TikTok, collaborating with creators or influencers whose content aligns with your brand. These partnerships grant access to a broader audience and lend credibility to your brand through association with trusted influencers.

Utilizing UGC

Leverage User-Generated Content to bolster your TikTok Ads strategy. UGC has proven to be highly effective in building trust and authenticity. The foundations of a good ad come down to the creative so having a strong content production strategy is key to the success of your ad campaigns.


TikTok Ads offer an unparalleled opportunity for brands to captivate audiences with engaging, short-form video content. The platform's unique features, diverse audience, and emphasis on creativity provide a fertile ground for brands to boost visibility, engage with customers, and drive conversions. Whether you're a startup, an established brand or an up-and-coming brand TikTok Ads can help elevate your brand presence in the digital landscape.

While this guide equips you with valuable insights into TikTok Ads, the world of digital advertising can be complex. Consider reaching out to experts in the field for personalized guidance. Our team at Crafted is here to support you in crafting effective UGC and video ads content for your campaigns with TikTok Ads strategies in mind to be tailored to your brand's unique goals. Feel free to reach out for expert assistance in maximizing the potential of TikTok Ads for your business through our professional ad creatives. 

Nov 25, 2023
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